Our Features


Disruptive platform that seeks to revolutionize the influencer-marketing space as we know it.

Precise targeting

Matching influencers with brand-specific target markets using detailed analytics.

ROI Prediction

Utilizing machine learning to predict and maximize the potential ROI from each influencer.

Automated Insights

Providing brands with clear, data-driven insights into why certain influencers are the best fit.

Secure Payment.

Secure paymentsfor both brands and influencers. Seamlessly making payments effectively and instantly.

About SokoTrend

Soko Trend is a disruptive platform that seeks to revolutionize the influencer-marketing space as we know it today. We have created a highly accessible space where business brands and digital creators can meet and transact business efficiently and effectively.

Mission and vision

To make digital marketing accessible to anyone

Why Soko Trend

Our aim is not just to make influencer marketing accessible, we also want to make it affordable particularly for small businesses whose marketing budget is significantly smaller than the established brands. The rising growth of the internet economy means any business that wants to increase visibility and improve sales must find traction in the digital space using creators. We are a digital platform that uses advanced AI tools to identify and recommend the right creator for a brand that seeks to engage one, analyze the said creator’s online performance and facilitate a seamless communication between the brand and the creator. With Soko Trend, brands don’t need to go through expensive marketing agencies to access and engage creators, hence saving a ton of money that they can invest elsewhere. In addition, this platform comes with an electronic payment infrastructure that supports timely and secure payment regime that effectively solves the frequent payment disputes between brands and creators.

How it works

To interact with the platform, one first needs to sign up either as a creator or business/company. This happens on the landing page of the website. From here, they proceed to create the relevant profile. The information required to create the profile include:

  1. A profile photo
  2. Niche (for creators), Industry (for brands)
  3. Location
  4. A link to social media platforms (for creators)
  5. A link to portfolio (for creators)
  6. A link to terms and conditions
  7. Rate card - as a pdf attachment (for creators)
  8. Select payment option of choice - e.g bank transfer, M-Pesa, Pay-Pal - (for creators)
After creating the relevant account, the user can initiate engagement with another user by clicking on the “Request engagement” button. For example: If I sign up as a creator, I can proceed and check out those brands that are actively looking for services of a creator. The technology used on the platform automatically matches my profile with the right brands based on the information I provided during the onboarding stage. The process is the same if I sign up as a brand. Additionally, the technology supports the engagement between the brand and the creator. The brand uploads the content of the campaign, for example the copy and images on their dashboard. The platform enables the creator selected by the brand to access said content of the campaign. The brand can track the performance of the campaign from their dashboard thanks to campaign management tools used on the platform. A brand must deposit an amount of money enough to cover the creator’s fee and the facilitation fee before they can proceed to engage a creator. Based on the T&Cs provided during onboarding by both parties, a percentage of money is transferred to the creators account from the brands within the platform. The platform uses an electronic payment infrastructure to support this. For those brands that are unable to manage a campaign or don’t understand the intrigues of influencer marketing, they can contact a campaign manager (a digital marketing expert) to handle the campaign process from start to finish.

SokoTrend Campaign Management Options

Option 1: SokoTrend Manages the Campaign

Description: Let SokoTrend handle your campaign from start to finish. We find suitable creators that align with your brand and ensure your campaign runs smoothly.


  1. Book a Call: Schedule a call to discuss your campaign details and objectives.
    Action: Redirect to a calendar to pick a suitable time for the call.
  2. Fill a Form: Provide essential details about your campaign.
    Form Template:
    • Short Description: Briefly describe your campaign and its purpose.
    • Objective: Outline the main goals you wish to achieve with this campaign.
    • Budget: Specify the budget allocated for this campaign.
    • Expected Outcome: Detail what you expect to achieve from this campaign (e.g., brand awareness, increased sales, etc.).
    • Details to be Captured by the Creator: List any specific information or content you need from the creators (e.g., product reviews, unboxings, etc.).
    Bottom Options:
    • Cancel: Cancel the form submission.
    • Review: Review the provided details before submission.
    • Submit: Submit the form for SokoTrend to process.

Option 2: Brand Finds Influencers Themselves (Exclusive for Selected Influencers)

Description: For brands with a list of vetted influencers, manage your campaign by selecting influencers and handling the process yourself.

  1. Fill a Form: Provide campaign details for the influencers.
    Form Template:
    • Short Description: Briefly describe your campaign and its purpose.
    • Objective: Outline the main goals you wish to achieve with this campaign.
    • Budget: Specify the budget allocated for this campaign.
    • Expected Outcome: Detail what you expect to achieve from this campaign.
    • Details to be Captured by the Creator: List any specific information or content you need from the creators.
    Bottom Options:
    • Cancel: Cancel the form submission.
    • Review: Review the provided details before submission.
    • Submit: Submit the form for processing.

Option 3: Post for Creators to Bid

Description: Open your campaign for bidding by allowing creators to submit proposals on how they can best promote your brand.

  1. Fill a Form: Provide details about your campaign for creators to bid on.
    Form Template:
    • Short Description: Briefly describe your campaign and its purpose.
    • Objective: Outline the main goals you wish to achieve with this campaign.
    • Budget: Specify the budget allocated for this campaign.
    • Expected Outcome: Detail what you expect to achieve from this campaign.
    • Details to be Captured by the Creator: List any specific information or content you need from the creators.
    Bottom Options:
    • Cancel: Cancel the form submission.
    • Review: Review the provided details before submission.
    • Submit: Submit the form for creators to start bidding.
  2. Post a Video: Instead of filling out a form, brands can post a video detailing the campaign requirements along with a small description.
    How do I do it?
    • Post a Video: Upload a video explaining the campaign details and requirements.
    • Accompanying Description: Provide a short written description summarizing the campaign and its objectives.
    Bottom Options:
    • Cancel: Cancel the video post submission.
    • Review: Review the provided details before submission.
    • Submit: Submit the video for creators to view and apply for the campaign.